Everything You Need to Know About Creating Custom Wedding Invitations

First and foremost, anything that is custom will take longer than something that is ready-made. If you have a tight timeline, custom invitations are likely not for you.

When working on a custom concept, the options are literally endless. Not to worry! A stationer will help to guide you through the ins and outs to see what is right for you and your wedding.

Invitation Wording.jpg

Color: Are you a classic white or ivory kind of person, or are you looking to punch it up with color?

Texture: The options run the gamut in the texture department. From smooth, to pebbled, to handmade, there are plenty of ways to make your paper stand out.

Weight: I have a whole post on this topic , but the weight of your wedding invitations should be substantial and signify that this is an important event. Your standard copy paper just will not do.

Printing Method: Digital, letterpress, and foil, oh my! They are all beautiful in their own right. You simply need to go with what works best with your aesthetic and budget.

Design: Custom spot calligraphy, monograms, venue illustrations, maps to name a few ways to really set your invitations apart.

Ornamentation: This is where you can really elevate your invitations with things like painted edges, wax seals, ribbon, vintage stamps. Keep in mind that most of these often add weight and therefore the amount of postage required.

All suffice to say, hashing all of this out can take a bit of time. It is a fun process that I enjoy greatly, and think my clients do to. At least I hope! I recommend 4-6 months total for the entire process. Some things take longer than others, especially ornamentation. Just be sure to account for this in your planning timeline if you have your heart set on a custom invitation suite.



Alexandra Kretschmar